Examples of Science topics addressed include:
a. Nature table – rocks, shells, plants, insects, etc.
b. Exploring wonders of light through prisms, sunshine, and shadows
c. Observing, caring for, and playing with guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, or perhaps other animals brought by
d. Experimenting with balances, weights, and sorting and classifying objects
e. Experimenting with magnets, soap bubbles, magnifying glass
f. Exploring natural phenomena out-of-doors in the playground or on field trips
g. Experimenting with colors – eye droppers and colored water, etc.
h. Exploring animal habitats such as the ocean, pond, rain forest, and arctic.
i. Learning about who hibernates and migrates.
j. Discovering the unusual world of nocturnal creatures.
Social Studies Topics addressed include:
a. Sharing materials, toys, taking turns, and getting the teacher’s attention
b. Using materials freely, but without waste
c. Respecting the rights and feelings of others
d. Understanding one’s rights and how to stand up for them
e. Learning to accept and appreciate differences/multi-cultural
f. Learning and following everyday routines
g. Respecting limits imposed for the good of the group
Art Topics addressed include:
a. Exploration of paint, play dough, paper and paste, chalk, soapsuds, wood, etc.
b. Expressing creativity in other ways – block building, dramatic play, language and music
c. Opportunity to express one’s positive feelings as well as providing a safety valve for tensions and aggression’s
d. Exposure to and experience with fine art and famous artists
Music Activities:
a. Unstructured:
2. Spontaneous singing to children to attempt to encourage the children to put their thoughts to music.
Children begin to make up songs about weather, rhyming, etc.
b. Structured:
1. Learning songs, first taught by the teacher’s voice, piano sometimes used after the children know the words
2. Song games and finger plays
3. Listening, singing and moving to records
4. Use of a variety of musical instruments (matching rhythms, volume – loud/soft, fast/slow pace)
Literature and Language topics include:
a. Developing an enjoyment of books
b. Widening the children’s vocabulary and knowledge beyond the “here and now”
c. Encouraging fun with language – rhyming games
d. Stimulating their verbal expression, encouraging expression
e. Recording of experiences with the group
f. Creating original stories as a group
g. Opportunities to dramatize stories
Physical Education activities include:
a. The child’s only goal in physical activity is to have fun
b. Furthering large and small muscle development
c. Vigorous play inside and outside
d. Children’s personality development is influenced by their physical skills and their feelings about those skills
e. Encouraging physical activity in dramatic play, art activities, music, games, etc.
Concepts, math, numbers, and letters
Children will be exposed to numbers and letters through academically age-appropriate activities.
It is important to build concepts regarding numbers and letters, not just repetition without understanding. This is accomplished through concrete hands on and awareness types of exposure such as: sequencing, patterning, matching, lotto games, puzzles, letters to trace, counting, measuring, weighing, graphing, etc.
When children ask about their name, we suggest printing using both upper and lower case letters. If you put your child’s name in the upper left hand corner of the paper, your child will have plenty of space to copy. This will also reinforce left to right eye movement that is basic to reading readiness.
Many children do not have the small motor development to print their name and numbers. This development has to come with time. Please be assured your child will develop small motor skills and be capable of doing many fine motor tasks at their own individual rate of readiness. Be patient so that this learning experience will be positive and stress free.